Paco Tamayo Pino said...

A Blog brave.
The nude is and will be in photography and art in general, more transgressive thematic and pure.
The body is the best weapon against the reactionary minds.

Nadja said...

Yes, the best weapon.
Also the best weapon against the boring and hard reality of life, I think.
Thank you very much, Paco!

temporal rooms said...

i love what Paco wrote here.
this is brave of you and not so i believe.
here you are!
whe it boils down to it
the body is the strength and
weakness of who we are.
when it is time of exposure
it is a beautiful moment.
thank you for the invite here Nadja.

your work continues.


Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Robert!
I just love erotic works, photos, books, film.
All of it.
I have the passion for it since I was very young, reading all the good books, like Anaïs Nin, from since I was 11 or 12. ...
So, I think it's the way to go for me.
I hope to find more models to go on with this.
Thank you very much, again, Robert.
Big XXX!