


Nadja said...

As you can see, it's not me! :-))
First other model for this blog:
The wonderful Nicky!
I admit that I was a little bit overwhelmed by her spontaneous sexy poses. ...
How would you be by the sight of so much beauty? ... :-))
And it was at the end of a long shoot, tired;
I guess I could have done better...
Like, not underexposing the photos too much, for example.
But they turned out pretty cool anyway, I think.
But I'll let you, the visitors, be the judge of that.
More photos to come of course.
Thank you so much, sexy Nicky!
I've been waiting very long to make sexy photos with a model.
Finally, a start to build up some experience!
Maybe I can keep 'my cool' a bit better next time...

plunertje said...

You´ve done wel. If this is the worst picture taken this shoot, i´ll be interested in the rest, and i hope you are going to share with us.


Nadja said...

No, it's not the worst photo, I would never show the worst photos...
With Nicky you hardly have any worst photos though.
Only if the photographer messes up...
My exposure you could have been better, and my compositions could be better.
Though I love the composition of this one myself.
Thank you very much, Pluntertje!
I'll keep an eye on your blog to see how it should be done...!