

D.L. Wood said...

!!!Turning Up The Heat!!!

Start at the bottom
No the other bottom.

Toes encased in leather and glitter.
Ankles cinched in straps give the heart a twitter.

Feet arched leg muscles tight.
But surely not for taking flight.

Thighs wide, restrained in wooden arms
Gives us a chance to see her womanly charm

Lips caressed, full and pulled apart.
Could be at the end; but maybe ‘tis just the start.

Fingers drum and dance.
Bringing thoughts of romance.

Are the nipples standing tall and proud?
Alas both are hidden under a black lace shroud.

A shy look in repose, an interlude of one.
Can it be changed, can it still be fun?

Is one really alone with a camera snapping images?
Does the seeing eye of the lens have some advantages?

Can the mind’s eye still bring others to this affair?
Will it show them all with envious stares?

Can the release be the same,
If there is not a witness to be named?

Can it be a secret but really not?
All I know is….it is and makes me.…really HOT.

D.L. Wood

Nadja said...

I'm always amazed you can 'see' so much in a photo, D.L.
Wonderful, and I like the last part a lot, good questions...
I think the look is not so much shy, rather dreamy, maybe with those 'questions' in mind...
Thank you very much for your beautiful writing, D.L. Wood!
Big warm XXX!